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Mindspace Management

After talking to you regarding Technology, Education and Advertising, we should also discuss about the element which does it all... and yes, you are correct... it's the proverbial Human Mind. It was the human mind which created the fire and the wheel, it was the human mind which developed rote learning and the paper, and it was also the human mind which built the Ashokan Edicts. The power of the human mind is infinite !!!

As the saying goes, "An Empty Mind is a Devil's Workshop", so how does one train the all powerfull mind ? In the ancient days the Sages and the Munis practiced Meditation and Yog, to focus on their goals. When meditating they used to, for days together not eat or drink, anything. And the end results are part of the Indian folklore. Later on after the spread of Buddhism and the advent of the Tibetian Lamas, the world started to appreciate the amount of importance they gave to "Mind Management", which has since rubbed onto many, many people and specially, celebrities. Mind Management, not only helps one to be more calmer but also helps to focus on learning new trades and develop, the inert ones.

In today's corporate world, "Change is the only Constant in Life", meaning thereby that every one of us has to learn newer things, to evolve constantly and to realize our full potential. Thus, the management of the mind is of primary importance, for employees to excel in their fields of work, take-up new challenging roles, and also help refine, their older ones. TS is their to support their partners and clients, in various ways in order for them to reach their full potential. TS supports, Startups by ... The already existing firms are supported by ...

Mindspace Management

Behavioural Training Programs

We believe that training your team shouldn’t be an isolated training event with generic syllabus but a well-designed program with customized and relevant content, case studies, skill building activities, and a final measurement of skill acquisition.

All our training programs are customized to individual teams based on need and requirements of the client and their team background keeping in mind the corporate culture. Flexible with duration and format, content and team size.

Programs offered for Corporates and Institutions

  • Leadership Development Workshops
  • Corporate Wellness Programs
  • Mindful Leadership
  • Emotional Intelligence Workshops
  • Life skills
  • Managing Millennials